The World-Famous (to some people) online-novels of Lark and Musings, for you to sit back and enjoy in the quietness of your own home. Warning, all novels may contain traces of nuts, and insanity in large doses. (Reading hint: For more enjoyment and less wanting-to-die-from-how-stupid-it-all-is, L&M Blognovels are suggested read in smaller doses, rather than in one sitting).

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Olaf... (enough said)

Slowly, Olaf limped into the room, his bear-trap-damaged knee bandaged as tightly as an octopus hug, and took in the situation before him.
Garbageman - his hero and mentor - was trapped beneath a gummy-snake rope, his finger in what appeared to be a chinese finger trap (although quite a quick and ensnaring chinese finger trap at that).
Next to him, trapped under another gummy-snake rope, a huge hulk-like intellectual figure sat, brow furrowed in deep concentration as it played with a piece of chewing gum.
Both had their feet trapped in clamps.
Between them, Fido the trusty cow (that thought it was a dog and doubled as a horse) stood, an expression on his face that would have read "What do I do now, everything has happened so fast I'm too confused to think" if expressions could in fact read.
In one corner, Moof! Moof! I'm a Moose! (the banana minion) sat next to a pot which contained something that reminded Olaf of his old mother's "Moth-ball stew".
In another stood a strange clown-like figure whom he recognised from the hospital as Professor Happyjoy, wearing a bath-robe, and with the surname of one of his favourite authors written across his head.
Around them all dashed about fifty kung-fu squirrels, now organised into opposing klans and battling one another with impressive kung-fu moves.
Quite a scene.

He had scene enough.
Quickly, Olaf leapt into action. Yelling a fearsome battlecry, (which sounded something like "Hay-ha! Meester Clown-face Happyjoy you prepare rubber ducky downstairs umbrella danger danger!!"), Olaf flung himself at the banana, beat it to a pulp, and turned the pot down to simmer (didn't that banana know how to cook Moth-ball stew?).
Proud of his accomplishments, he sat back and smiled blankly at everyone.

"Idiot," Happyjoy muttered as he quickly dressed himself and wiped 'Victory' from his forehead, "But I guess you can't expect much from someone who comes from Norway."
"Where?" Olaf said angrily, suddenly staring across at the professor with the intensity of a thousand suns.
"Uh," Happyjoy began, realising he had made a mistake, "I mean... well..."
"Noor-way?" Olaf demanded, "Do you think Olaf is Noor-wegian??? Oh, look at little Olaf! He is a Noor-wegian! Noooo!!!! Olaf is not Noor-wegian!!! Olaf is from Sweden!!! SWEEEEEEEEDAAAAAN!!!!!"

Suddenly, Olaf went insane(-er).
From everywhere in the room objects began disappearing, rematerialising above the professor.
Happyjoy screamed, and began to run as Squirrels bombarded him from all angles. He narrowly missed being crushed by a falling cow, and Nerd-Boy almost broke through the floor when he hit it.
Amazingly, Happyjoy reached the doorway, and flung it open.
Turning back in true villian form, he managed to shout out "I'll be back, Garbageman! You haven't seen the last of..." before a pot of simmering mashed spinach on rye bread (which looked quite similar to moth-ball stew) struck him on the head.

Garbageman looked up as the rain of squirrels ceased, and Olaf began to calm down.
This is it, he realised suddenly, I have the chance to fulfil a life-long dream! All I need is a super-hero one-liner quip to say, and I'll be a true super-hero.
But before he could open his mouth, he was beaten to the chase.
"So Mister clown-face got his just desserts" Olaf said, and smiled blankly again.
Darn, so close!

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