The World-Famous (to some people) online-novels of Lark and Musings, for you to sit back and enjoy in the quietness of your own home. Warning, all novels may contain traces of nuts, and insanity in large doses. (Reading hint: For more enjoyment and less wanting-to-die-from-how-stupid-it-all-is, L&M Blognovels are suggested read in smaller doses, rather than in one sitting).

Sunday, May 01, 2005

Dellua's Dilemma

Whistling 'God save the Queen' loudly, Dellua jauntily strolled into the house (or rather, he strolled through the door of the house, because strolling into the house would hurt quite a bit. In fact, on second thought, he strolled through the open doorway and into the house, because strolling into a door could also hurt quite considerably), carrying a mouse under one arm and acting very cat-like, except for the fact that he was strolling in his hind legs and whistling 'God save the Queen' which of course we all know real cats wouldn't do... they're Republicans.

Suddenly, he gasped, dropped the mouse on the floor (which scurried away quickly... the mouse, not the floor) and stared across at Porirua's body, which lay lifelessly on the floor, like a body with no life left in it.
Around her body lay the usual mounds of knitting, which were now tangled with each other and Porirua's impressive goatee, causing a scene which would have been sadly funny, were it not already funnily sad.
One of her legs stuck mournfully into the air, still in it's fuzzy bunny slipper.

"Porirua?" Dellua meowed hesistantly, realising quickly that she wasn't going to respond (because she had never understood cat-ese).

Sadly, the little alien-cat crossed the room to the nearby cordless phone, which lay suspiciously near Porirua, and dialled 111 (remember kids, never dial 111 unless it is an emergency and you are in New Zealand, overseas you can dial 911 in USA, 999 in the UK, and other similar numbers in other countries. See this link for your local rescue number).

Within minutes, someone responded!
Within hours, an ambulance arrived!
Within days, a funeral had been held!
Within weeks, Porirua's will had been discovered, and read!

And, with the reading of the will, Dellua found himself heading off on a whole new adventure, for Porirua, not realising that her beloved Mr. Cuddles the Third was in fact an alien named Dellua, had left him in her will to someone else! Before he realised what was happening, Dellua was trapped in a cat-cage, and taken from the valley, leaving behind his flying saucer (safely hidden beneath Porirua's kitchen) and all his alien communication devices and artifacts (safely hidden behind Porirua's rocking chair). He now all alone, seperated from contact with his home planet, and facing more MAYHEM, yes MAYHEM, than he had ever faced before. Though I'm not entirely sure how, as that is up to my fellow blog-novel author to decide.

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