The World-Famous (to some people) online-novels of Lark and Musings, for you to sit back and enjoy in the quietness of your own home. Warning, all novels may contain traces of nuts, and insanity in large doses. (Reading hint: For more enjoyment and less wanting-to-die-from-how-stupid-it-all-is, L&M Blognovels are suggested read in smaller doses, rather than in one sitting).

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Dellua's surprise

"Wow!" Cried Dellua. "Well done on operating the teleporter so quickly, efficiently and plausibly and bringing back something with you! That sort of skill normally takes years of training to achieve!"
Stan blushed with pleasure. "Well, now that's got you in a pickle, hasn't it!" He cried manaiacally.
Dellua and Shcktan looked at each other blankly.
"I am not seeing any pickles?" Shcktan wondered.
"Shut up!" Stan bellowed. "And listen to me! I want free exit out of here, and to be put on the first flight to Mexico! If I sense anyone following me, the girlfriend gets it!"
Dellua burst out laughing. "That's not my girlfriend, you moron!" He laughed. "That's just some salmon you found somewhere!"
"Oh." Stan replied, ashamed of his poor effort.
Shcktan boldly stepped forward. "No more of this nonsense! Stan, surrender now or face the consequences!"
Stan boldly laughed in Shcktan's face. "Ha!"
Awkward silence, I know.
Suddenly Dellua realised, all along, the way to defeat Stan, once and for all, for good, end of story (hint, hint).
"I was holding the ray gun several blogs ago! Wait, I still am! And that teleporter of yours will now have flat batteries! You're finished, Stan!"
"Damn!" Stan cried, dropping the poorly disguised penguin he had been holding instead of a ray gun.
Shcktan laughed. "Ha!"

Yeah, ok. Awkward. Silence.

Dellua walked forward proudly and took the teleporter from the now depressed Stan. "That'll teach you to steal alien technology!" Dellua crowed.
"Yes." Stan replied pensively. "I guess it has taught me to steal alien technology..." Grabbing back the teleporter, he ran for the door. Making one fatal (yes, fatal) mistake along the way.
DON'T EVER RUN IN FREEZING RUSSIAN MALLS. He slipped over on the icy ground, cracked his head on the icy pavers, and icily died an icy death.

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