The World-Famous (to some people) online-novels of Lark and Musings, for you to sit back and enjoy in the quietness of your own home. Warning, all novels may contain traces of nuts, and insanity in large doses. (Reading hint: For more enjoyment and less wanting-to-die-from-how-stupid-it-all-is, L&M Blognovels are suggested read in smaller doses, rather than in one sitting).

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Chapter 32 - Return of the Jedi

We all around, sipping biscuits and munching on tea, each group nervously eying the one either side of it.
I decided to break the silence with a joke.
"Hey, everyone, did you know accountants are so dumb they sit on the TV and watch the couch?"
The T.A.C all scratched their heads in confusion. "But I thought that was what you were supposed to do?" One asked another.
Ciola sighed, and put her head in her hands.
Mistral leapt forward. "Ciola, I'm placing you under arrest! Come along quietly, and there won't be any violence! Well, actually there will be quite a lot, especially torture, and probably some re-runs of Full House starring Bob Saget thrown in for good measure. Damn! Stupid truth gas hasn't fully worn off yet!"
Laura, Asheigh, Yvette and Elle, along with Marcus Borlaysio, Supercow, Abu the Elephant, and a small squirrel, all burst in. (Again.)
"I'm weird!" Marcus cried.
"Meep!" A Small Squirell agreed.
"Get back, you weirdos!" Mistral growled. "Grr! I have a bad attitude and I'm not afraid to use it!"
"Man, you really freak me out." Laura said. "I'm so afraid of you. And when I lose my cool, I don't know what to do."
"Sorry." Mistral replied. "I'm gonna try to improve my manners. Everyone, yes everyone, is my friend!"
"Let's all head over to my dairy for ice cream!" Abu the elephant trumpeted. "Two dollar fifty!"
"Yay!" The T.A.C, Marcus Borlaysio and Yvette cried, and they all exited the building with Abu.
"You'll never take me alive, Mistral!" Ciola exclaimed heroically. What a moron.
"Well, I could just kill Ned..." Mistral raised the gun menacingly, at his hand.....

It was another stalemate.
"No! Good must triumph!" Supercow cried, and flew at Mistral. He fired his gun, moments before the huge heffalump went crashing into him.
In another blognovel twist of fate, the bullet went through Ned's nose (how original) and hit Supercow.
Ned escaped.
Supercow and Mistral, however, didn't make it. They got a nice funeral though.

Big Mack pulled out a massive bazooka.
"Right! It's time I had my say! I want some slaves! I have never had anyone escape before, and I don't like it!"
Elle, Asheigh and Laura all walked toward Big Mack with their hands held high.
"We will go." Laura said. "We actually enjoyed working at BK, so you can put the gun down, MackDaddy. The pay rate is competitive, the hours are good, and the floors are all slippy and fun!"
I decided not to point out that I had met the girls in BK's prison. Ignorance is bliss.
Big Mack, Stanley/Hal and the girls left, to undertake the important process of job interviews. Actually, they aren't that great. They seem to employ almost anyone at those places these days.

So, it was just me, Ciola, Ned and a small squirell left. (Not bad, huh.)
The squirell had to go. It was due back at Willy Wonka's chocolate factory for work.

Ned also had to go. He needed a plaster for the huge wound on his nose. We sent him to Beven's Plastic Surgery Clinic For Nasal Wounds and Stuff. It has a very good reputation.

Finally! Alone!
Ciola looked at me. "Well done, Erstwhile. I couldn't have done it without you."
She gave me a hug.


(I fainted.)


Previous chapter : : Whatever


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