The World-Famous (to some people) online-novels of Lark and Musings, for you to sit back and enjoy in the quietness of your own home. Warning, all novels may contain traces of nuts, and insanity in large doses. (Reading hint: For more enjoyment and less wanting-to-die-from-how-stupid-it-all-is, L&M Blognovels are suggested read in smaller doses, rather than in one sitting).

Sunday, April 30, 2006

All alone in the forest

Melvin's waiting serpent suddenly becomes a biting, hacking, killing, kickhimwhenhe'sdowning serpent!
Toads 1 through 300 fall to the ground, viciously mutilated! Toad 301 surrenders, and later takes up a career in Waterblasting! Waterblasting!
Not that that really jeopardized our negotiations, but it did get the Woman's Weekly kinda dirty. Oh, and it made our safe passage and protection kinda void, seeing as there were no more toads left to help protect us from the eaters.
I carry out a tactical advance to Melvin, and slap him hard across the face. "Melvin, you fool! Look what you've done!" I cry in anger.
Melvin looks at what he's done. "Tá boladh bréan as or uaidh!" He exclaims.
What that means, I don't know. You could find out, however, by simpy visiting an online dictionary! I can't, the toads don't have internet acces in the Badlands.
During my slapping of Melvin, Trixie leaves the room. After calming down from my intense act, I notice her absence.
"Trixie!" I cry out. I hear a muffled response from somewhere deep in the weed(s). Melvin and I head towards the muffler. "Welcome to the jungle, we've got fun and games!" I sing as we wander merrily through forest glade.
We arrive at our destination (Trixie) to find her standing next to a solar powered hovercraft.
"Hey look, a solar powered hovercraft!" I state. (What a genius I am! It must be a result of the great literature I read! Oh wait... I gave those to Chester. Drat!)
"Yeah." Trixie says in a deadpan voice. "I need to use it to get back to headquarters straight away."
"No way!" I argue, "Our first priority is my magical kingdom!"
"Ispín!" Melvin interjects.
"Well, it looks like there's only one way to solve this." Trixie states. "The circle of death!"
Melvin and I nod our heads sadly, knowing Trixie speaks the truth, and that the circle of death is the only, repeat only, way to solve out dispute.
SO THAT IS WHAT WE DO. I MEAN WHERE WE GO. You know what I mean.

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