The World-Famous (to some people) online-novels of Lark and Musings, for you to sit back and enjoy in the quietness of your own home. Warning, all novels may contain traces of nuts, and insanity in large doses. (Reading hint: For more enjoyment and less wanting-to-die-from-how-stupid-it-all-is, L&M Blognovels are suggested read in smaller doses, rather than in one sitting).

Monday, April 19, 2010


"DANG!!" a voice yelled from atop the city walls.
I turned from where Trixie was being taken into custardy by the Lolly-Coated Warriors (not to be confused with custody, custardy is a candy-coated thing, where they put you in a big bowl of custard, and you're not allowed out until you've eaten every single mouthful young lady, and there will be no vegetables until you've finished it either, so don't go crying about it, because you know the rules, and if you don't eat your custard you won't grow up big and strong like your Lolly-Pop) and fixed my gaze on where I had last seen Chester.

He was still there, his face twisted with a sort of I've-just-tried-to-put-you-out-of-your-misery-by-shooting-you-with-a-flaming-arrow-as-a-form-of-mercy-to-make-up-for-betraying-you-whilst-not-actually-freeing-you-because-that-would-mean-I'd-have-to-give-back-the-Mills-and-Boone-novels-but-now-I've-actually-accidentally-brought-about-your-release-because-my-archery-skills-were-always-a-bit-sub-par expression on his face, and an empty bow in his hand. Using my incredible deductive skills, I immediately sensed that it was he who had shot Trixie!!
(thats the first question down)

Pausing briefly to wipe a spot of mud from my shirt that had landed there during Trixie's flailing dive into the only-half-filled pool (I guess it wasn't a stain then - tick 4th question answered), I pointed my finger towards Chester's figure and yelled heroically: "How on earth are you peering over that city wall from the outside?? It must be, like, 150 feet high or something!"

Chester, realising he had been spotted, made a sudden movement as if he was trying to flee, and subsequently let out a high-pitched squeal as he disappeared from view.

I ran out of the city-gates, followed by two curious elephants and a subdued Roger-elf, to find Chester struggling to free himself from the huge stack of first-edition Mills-and-Boone novels that he was half-buried in. From appearances, it seemed he had used my collection to create a make-shift staircase of sorts to peer over the wall, and when he turned to flee, the whole structure had become unbalanced and collapsed in on him. A very unorthodox use for pristine literature, and one a bit in opposition to his careful handling of them whilst reading, but never-the-less an effective answer to both how Chester had peered over the wall and question 3 (yuss!!!).

And moments later, Chester was joining Trixie in custardy, and my novel collection was back in my possession (bonus!!).

Oh, and the Chalice of Power....?

Uh, it, uh....

...One of the elephants probably inhaled it or something.
Luckily (if indeed that was the case) the elephant in question had very low ambitions and didn't fancy being a monarch, so we were spared a fortune in nail-polish.
(partial credit answer for 2??)

Which probably just left room for some form of conclusion...



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