The World-Famous (to some people) online-novels of Lark and Musings, for you to sit back and enjoy in the quietness of your own home. Warning, all novels may contain traces of nuts, and insanity in large doses. (Reading hint: For more enjoyment and less wanting-to-die-from-how-stupid-it-all-is, L&M Blognovels are suggested read in smaller doses, rather than in one sitting).

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Identity Crisis

Fishing the dank piece of cabbage from the floor, Garbageman realised it was under-size, and had to throw it back.

"Don't worry citizen," Dave said triumphantly, "Evil will not befall you, you may come out now."
Doc. Martins slowly emerged from his position hiding behind the life-support machines, and walked over to his hero.
"Well done, Garbageman," he said, "That was a great display of fighting power, and don't worry, your secret identity is safe with me."
"What do you mean my secret identit-" Dave started, before realising "Oh nuts! Where's my helmet! I must have left it in the alley when I faced off with that banana with the AK47 (lets call him The Banana With the AK47, after all, he's not going to come back into the story anymore). Now what will I wear to disguise my identity? Stupid 'Machine of Downright Unhelpfulness'! Things keep getting worse and worse."

Just to make things worse, at that moment the roof collapsed.

Dave and Doc. Martins clambered from the rubble, and looked around. Everyone in the hospital was ok, but now Dave realised that with the 'Machine of Downright Unhelpfulness' still focussed on him, he would be a walking disaster zone, and decided that he had better leave the hospital.

"At least I can get a new helmet from home," he muttered as he walked the streets of Yeejabberwhatsit.
He arrived home, however, to find matters even worse.

Nerd-boy, Fido, and the Human Electric Cable stood at his letterbox, watching silently as Firefighter-man battled with the flames now engulfing his house.
"What happened?" Dave screamed, "My house!"
"Uh, yeah, sorry Dave," The Human Electric Cable muttered, "I shorted out or something."
Dave just stared in shocked silence.

It's never very helpful to have your house burn down when you are trying to save the world from rogue bananas...

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