The World-Famous (to some people) online-novels of Lark and Musings, for you to sit back and enjoy in the quietness of your own home. Warning, all novels may contain traces of nuts, and insanity in large doses. (Reading hint: For more enjoyment and less wanting-to-die-from-how-stupid-it-all-is, L&M Blognovels are suggested read in smaller doses, rather than in one sitting).

Monday, March 28, 2005

The "Clint Eastwood" style action scene.

A lone tumbleweed blew steriotypically through the hospital. (Due to renovations, there were no walls in the hospital, and of course it was in the middle of the Australian outback as said in a previous blog by the better looking of the two authors.)
Garbageman gave his famous cheek-twitch. (Girls everywhere cried themselves to sleep after the cheek twitch was broken out.)

The two bananas 'stood' fearfully, and raised their weapons in a gesture of self defence.
Banana 1 (let's call him Wanchai, for short) pointed a menacingly unhelpful and useless piece of double-sided sellotape that already had hair stuck to both sides. (So it was no longer even sticky.)
Banana 2 (let's call him Bass Reflex System, for short) aimed a hopelessly helpless hammer made entirely of custard at Garbageman. (Then it fell through his hands onto the floor. Wait a minute, bananas don't have hands. It fell onto the floor.)

Garbageman raised one finger. (And because this is a family show, let's not make it the middle one) and pointed it at the trash can in the room. (The trash can would've been in the corner if the hospital had had any walls.)
The trash metamorphosed into a fearful.....a scary....a frightening.... DANK LOOKING PIECE OF CABBAGE! SWORN ENEMY OF ALL THINGS BANANA-EY!!!

"Aaaah!" non-cried Bass Reflex System. "It's so dank!"

The piece of cabbage lay on the floor and smelt bad. In a menacing way, I would like to add. Wanchai threw the piece of tape at the cabbage. Oooh! That was unhelpful!
Colourful words appeared on screen reminiscent of those old Batman episodes we've all watched as the cabbage and the bananas duelled. It was quite a sight, three old bits of fruit lying on the ground doing absolutely nothing. (None of them had legs, you see.) You had to be there.
After several seconds, nay, minutes, nay hours, nay eons, ok, actually we'll go back to minutes, of fighting, the bananas fled. (Don't ask me how they fled, they just did.)

But Garbageman knew his mission was far from over.

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