The World-Famous (to some people) online-novels of Lark and Musings, for you to sit back and enjoy in the quietness of your own home. Warning, all novels may contain traces of nuts, and insanity in large doses. (Reading hint: For more enjoyment and less wanting-to-die-from-how-stupid-it-all-is, L&M Blognovels are suggested read in smaller doses, rather than in one sitting).

Thursday, April 07, 2005

Discussing things Franco-ly

Quickly, Garbageman leapt into Action (the name written on the now empty cooking pot).
Crouching down in it to avoid any attacks from Franco Franco, he wiggled his finger, turning the dirty laundry now scattered around Olaf into...

...dirty laundry.

"Ooooh, now thats really going to help," Franco Franco sneered, "Aaagh! Dirty laundry. I'm so scared!"

... that is, dirty laundry with teeth.

"Aaagh! Dirty laundry. I'm so scared!" FF (Franco Franco) said again, this time not so sarcastically, as the laundry leapt at the Evil-esque figure. Dropping his water pistol, and Replacement Cat, he turned to flee, just to slip over in a puddle of something that resembled moth-ball stew.

In a second the Dirty Laundry was on him, like a dirty shirt on an evil man (sorry, thats the best I can come up with at the moment).
"What is this?" he cried.

You could say that he didn't know what had come over him.

Garbageman, Nerd Man, and Fido stood back to watch the unfolding scene (Olaf would have watched as well, but he was still unconscious, and wouldn't have been able to see what was going on through the froth still bubbling out of his mouth) but in a few moments it became clear to everyone that the laundry wasn't doing any serious damage to FF (after all, even with teeth dirty laundry is only really scary to a germophobe).

Embarressed at his previous fear, Franco Franco leapt back to his feet, throwing the laundry off like dirty washing being thrown off an evil man (yeah, I know), and confronted the heroes once more.

"Thats it, no more Mister Nice Evil Guy," FF yelled, pulling out a num-chuck gun and wielding it dangeresquely, "I'm not leaving until you hand over the Machine of Downright Unhelpfulness."
"But, I don't know where the Machine of Downright Unhelpfulness is," Garbageman explained.
"Isn't it you?" asked Nerd Man, suddenly (for the first time in his life) unsure about things.
"Oh please," scoffed Franco Franco, advancing with the num-chuck gun spinning around his head very professionally, "The Machine of Downright Unhelpfulness is about seven feet tall and is made out of titanium, it wouldn't fit in him without causing some severe discomfort. No, its not in him, but he knows where it is, don't you?"
"No," Dave admitted.

Franco Franco stopped.
"Oh, well thats unhelpful," he muttered.

Suddenly, everyone realised that the machine must be nearby (although admittedly Nerd Man realised this a few seconds before this blog even began), and, forgetting to attack one another, dashed off in various directions in search of it.

It was now vitally important to find the machine.
The first one to get it would wield a power so incredibly unhelpful, that it... wouldn't... help to... uh...
...well, it wouldn't be good!

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