The World-Famous (to some people) online-novels of Lark and Musings, for you to sit back and enjoy in the quietness of your own home. Warning, all novels may contain traces of nuts, and insanity in large doses. (Reading hint: For more enjoyment and less wanting-to-die-from-how-stupid-it-all-is, L&M Blognovels are suggested read in smaller doses, rather than in one sitting).

Sunday, April 10, 2005

The ‘about seven feet tall and made out of titanium’ portaloo

After running about inside Woolworths for several minutes Franco Franco and Garbageman realised the Machine of Downright Unhelpfulness wasn’t inside. They ran out the main doors.
Fido stayed inside and chased squirrels.
Nerd Man was sitting down next to a titanium portaloo which was about seven fee tall and made out of titanium. In fact, the only way you could tell it was a portaloo was because it had ‘potalu’ roughly mis-spelt on it in crayon. Very UNHELPFUL if you were busting for a pee. He had his head in his hands and was mumbling something.
Franco Franco desperately headed in the direction of Scotland to try and find the Machine of Downright Unhelpfulness. Garbageman started to follow, and then realised Nerd Mn might need his help. He looked a bit dejected.
"What’s the problem, there, ya big nerd?" Garbageman said, trying to be friendly.
Nerd Man looked up, a frustrated grimace on his face. "So STUPID!" he cried, and then went back to his mumbling.
Garbageman didn’t really appreciate that comment. He wasn’t that stupid. He only repeated Kindergarten three times, which in Yeejabberwhatsit was actually rather good. What was Nerd Man mumbling? He strained to listen….
"Idiot…Garbageman… Portaloo my eye!…"
What did Nerd Man’s eye have to do with the ‘potalu’, Garbageman wondered! Who was this mysterious Idiot he was talking about? Why was the portaloo made of titanium when plastic was clearly a much cheaper and more portable material? And worst of all, what was the name of the fifth singer of the Backstreet Boys?
Garbageman sat down next to Nerd Man and started to think heavily. He thought intensely. He thought outrageously. He started to sweat. Blood. He groaned! He moaned! He giggled! He passed out!
Nerd Man looked across at Garbagman and sighed. If you want something done right, sometimes you have to just do it yourself. He slowly stood up, turned around, and mind-zapped the Machine of Downright Unhelpfulness to a cinder.

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