The World-Famous (to some people) online-novels of Lark and Musings, for you to sit back and enjoy in the quietness of your own home. Warning, all novels may contain traces of nuts, and insanity in large doses. (Reading hint: For more enjoyment and less wanting-to-die-from-how-stupid-it-all-is, L&M Blognovels are suggested read in smaller doses, rather than in one sitting).

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Time for something weird. A big brother style review chapter!

CHAD: 'Hello and welcome to.... "The blog so far!" I'm your host, Chad Bradfordsoniskingtonio!'
CHAD: 'And on today's show, we are going to have a whole lot of fun! But first, a snap poll. Should Stan be allowed to steal Dellua's spaceship, possibly threatening the future of all mankind?!?!?'

No way! 59%
Yes! 30%
I dialled the wrong number! 10%
I'm a pot plant! 1%

CHAD: 'Now, lets go to the 'live in show audience' for some 'feedback'! I'm here with Moira, what do you think about 'Dellua Spacecat' so far, Moira?"
MOIRA: 'I think he's not the right man for you sister! You don't deserve to be treated that way! You go girl!'
CHAD: 'Ok... thank you Moira! Someone's been watching a bit too much Oprah!'
CHAD: 'Yes, my producers are telling me we have time for one more comment from the audience!'
CHAD: 'Hi, Merv!"
MERV: 'Hi...Ch...Ch...Chad... I th...th..think th...th...th....that Dellua should k...k...k...kill Stan! K...K...K...K...KILL!!!'
CHAD: 'And then I said, pass the POTATOES! HAHAHAHA! Oh! I'm on! Oops! Um, thanks for that insightful comment there Martin!'
MERV: 'It's M....M...M....MERV!'
Chad: 'Ok, settle down there Manley!'

The show 'The Blog so far' has been taken off the air, do not adjust your screen. The reason he took it off the air has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with the fact that some guy named Martin or Merv or something just went on a gun rampage through the set. We did it because he had....low ratings! That's it! Low ratings! Um....

Meanwhile, back in Gore....
PANK: "Biscuit, Dellua?"
DELLUA: "Why is this blog being written like a script? Um, yes please Pank."


Meanwhile, back in the basement of Porirua's house....
Shcktan ran forward, and pulled out the main fuse-that-is-desperately-required-if-you-ever-want-the-spaceship-to-work, a split second before Stan started the ship! The reason he was able to do this was because of his aeronautical engineering degree. It had nothing to do with a snap poll. And why he is a courier's assistant instead of working at NASA, I don't know.


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