The World-Famous (to some people) online-novels of Lark and Musings, for you to sit back and enjoy in the quietness of your own home. Warning, all novels may contain traces of nuts, and insanity in large doses. (Reading hint: For more enjoyment and less wanting-to-die-from-how-stupid-it-all-is, L&M Blognovels are suggested read in smaller doses, rather than in one sitting).

Thursday, May 12, 2005

What happened next

In fact, Stan had not really left, but rather he had switched on the battery powered "Driver's invisibility initiator", the one thing that did work even with the main fuse pulled out when it was pulled out, whenever that was, (rather convenient really), and so, simply, Shcktan couldn't see him.
He could see the big red button, though, (which was the Driver's invisibility initiator) but, being Russian and all, he didn't know what it meant.
So, he took it to Babelfish. (Like any illogical Russian would do under the circumstances.)

Инициатор незримости водителя

It said.

Which, for all those IGNORAMUSES out there who CAN'T SPEAK RUSSIAN, (how STUPID!) means;
Initiator of the invisibility of the driver

"Oh!" Cried Shcktan. (He could speak English, however.)
But, by then of course, Stan had left. (Taking John Wayne's rifle with him for safety.) (Oh, and the SUPER DOOPER ray gun.) (And the teleporting machine.) (Yes, it was all able to be carried.) ( Very lightweight, this alien technology.)

Five seconds, nay, minutes, nay, hours, nay, days, nay, neigh, ok, minutes later, Dellua rushed into the basement.
"Я буду портативным peeler картошки и я чувствую как wholesome игра контролеров!" Cried Shcktan. (For translation, copy and paste into Babelfish.)
"BOIHOGIGEOIGEOIHGOIHGOIHGI - flannel! - OIUGOE8Y694Y@JLKB$" Cried Dellua. (For translation..... don't ask me!)
Then they both reverted to English.
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I like fishing!" Cried Shcktan.
"Where's my ship you moron? Edgeways!" Cried Dellua.
Word-ly (because it wasn't wordlessly, you see) they knew they had to join forced against the evil Stan.
Because, Shcktan said "We have to join forces against the evil Stan!" and then Dellua said "ok."
Fair enough, too!

Previous Chapter : : Next Chapter : : Something random I found


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