The World-Famous (to some people) online-novels of Lark and Musings, for you to sit back and enjoy in the quietness of your own home. Warning, all novels may contain traces of nuts, and insanity in large doses. (Reading hint: For more enjoyment and less wanting-to-die-from-how-stupid-it-all-is, L&M Blognovels are suggested read in smaller doses, rather than in one sitting).

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

cHaPtEr 24: sUpErCoW

"Merv/Eric!"I cried. "Watch where you point that thing! We're in a petrol station, remember! If you aim that rubber-ducky-flamethrower-doohickey anywhere near the petrol tanks well all explode!"
Merv/Eric sneered like a snare drum. "Do you think I care about you and your petty friends? You keep those hands where I can see them, Erstwhile, or I will cause a lot of destruction."
I froze, and held up my hands.
Laura walked forward, and laughed at Merv/Eric. "You'll never succeed, the cops will come, and my big brother's gonna beat you up!"
""What are you doing? Do you want to get yourself killed?" I yelled at Laura.
She gave me an odd look. "Step One of How to Foil an Evil Fast-food Chain Owner in 5 easy steps- rattle his confidence!"
Laura faced Merv/Eric again. "So, Merv/Eric, tell me every detail of your evil plan! Why not throw in a devilish laugh every now and then, just to boost your arrogance?"
Merv/Eric looked shocked. "No!" He laughed. "Are you stupid? I have an über-destructive rubber ducky in my hands, do you think I want to tell you anything? And I don't care about your big brother! I don't even care, if he's, like, Supercow or something!"
Laura's face went white (like whitewash.) "How...did you know that?"
Asheigh laughed. "Supercow is just a cheap, plastic cartoon. Not even good for throwing at people! How can he be real?"
"Yeah, Laura."I thought I'd bring her back down to earth. "I bet your brother's just... a bit..... chubby or something... Plus, Supercow would have to be a girl. Cows are girls."
"CHUBBY?!?!"A voice bellowed. "I may have big udders, but I'm not chubby!"
"Step 5!"Laura cried fanatically. "Random superhero at the last minute!"

A huge, possibly super, cow magically appeared in the middle of the Shell station, and took a look around. She looked at Merv/Eric.
"Guns are not the way, sonny!"Supercow cried, and took out the banana-bazooka with a well-aimed squirt of milk.

Oh, no. Now someone else was giong to rescue Ciola and get all the glory. And possibly share a moment with her.
Not again.
I was going to have to do something about this.

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