The World-Famous (to some people) online-novels of Lark and Musings, for you to sit back and enjoy in the quietness of your own home. Warning, all novels may contain traces of nuts, and insanity in large doses. (Reading hint: For more enjoyment and less wanting-to-die-from-how-stupid-it-all-is, L&M Blognovels are suggested read in smaller doses, rather than in one sitting).

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Nissan A31 Cefiro Cut Springs (Chapter 30. Wow, 30 chapters is quite a lot, huh.)

"So?" I exclaimed like an excited boy scout, on his first mission through the woods, "where do we go from here?"
A random redhead boy, about 16, was walking alongside me. "Hello!" he said. "My name's Marcus Borlaysio!"
I ignored poor Marcus, and kept on walking. Stupid cameo appearances.
Ciola turned and faced me. "Well, Erstwhile, I don't know. I think in times like this, we should just let the enemy come to us. They'll be pretty angry after we chipped old Bush and all his minions ran away. I mean, minion #312 was really handy with a spatchelor. They'll be sad to lose him."
"So, where is a really obvious, open place, that is also safe and stocked with weapons and fortification?" I asked.
Ciola pulled out a pen and paper. "I don't know, Erstwhile. Let's brainstorm."

After a few minutes we reviewed the list. It wasn't really a brainstorm, more like a gentle drizzle.
Our list read:

Police station
Big Mack's hideout
Cool weapons surplus
The dump
Army base
Box Co Boxes Incorporated

"Box Co Boxes Incorporated?" Cried Ciola. "What weapons are kept there?"
"Well, there's a secret draw in my bosses office.." I said intelligently.
"Oh, yes and what does he keep in that draw?" Ciola asked.
"Whiskey." I replied in a knowledgeable voice. "I saw him drinking some once when he thought nobody was watching."
"ERSTWHILE! That wasn't helpful at all! If there actually were any weapons at Box Co Boxes Incorporated, it would be the obvious place to hide. Mistral knows where it is, there are plenty of nice boxes to hide in, and it is in a very safe location. That last reason is why I went there in the first place, and why this whole blognovel happened! I was really surprised to even find it there in the first place!"
"Why?" I asked."Building it in a bomb shelter is a very strategic and tactical location. If there's ever a storm, our boxes escape and stay nice and safe!"
Ciola groaned. "You are SUCH A MORON!!!! Ok, sorry, I'd better calm down now. There's no point shouting. Are there any weapons at your workplace?"
"Well, Larry from accounts once said Agnes at reception was a bit of an Iron Maiden?" I suggested.
Ciola, for some strange and unknown reason, started affectionately hugging me about the neck with her hands. Ow! It was hurting. I couln't breathe!
"Ciola!" I gasped, though it sounded more like "Crackers!"
She let go of me.
"I think there is a gun somewhere... down the basement. I'm sure there would be. Oh, and next time you hug me, a bit lower down would be nice. Normal people hug around the waist, you see."
My feminine ally smiled. It was like the sun coming up, after a very, very long night. "Finally, Erstwhile! Well, lets go then!"

We headed off to the castle/ my work.

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