The World-Famous (to some people) online-novels of Lark and Musings, for you to sit back and enjoy in the quietness of your own home. Warning, all novels may contain traces of nuts, and insanity in large doses. (Reading hint: For more enjoyment and less wanting-to-die-from-how-stupid-it-all-is, L&M Blognovels are suggested read in smaller doses, rather than in one sitting).

Monday, April 04, 2011

Oh the fun a man and his giraffe will have together

Rule Number 6 in the Q Dimension: Using other languages does not make you regardez intelligent.

The giraffe's mouth hung open, waiting patiently as the next chapter was written around it.

On his cue, the giraffe tried to say his name, but having waited two whole days for the chapter to be written, his mouth was completely dry, and he had to excuse himself for a quick water break.

Eventually, after gargling numerous times and drinking a full litre of H2Go (Product placement) he cleared his throat, and announced he was ready to resume - though not before expressing his frustration at authors who end their chapters in such awkward positions.

Roger gave the giraffe his cue again:
"But to be honest, Mr Giraffe, I still haven't got a clue who you are? You said you were my old school mate - well, before you were a giraffe, who on earth or any planet were you?"

"I," the giraffe announced dramatically (earning himself a Best Dramatic Moment Oscar Nomination), "was Roger!"

Roger gasped.

"No, wait a minute! Hold it right there!"

Roger and Roger, confused at this sudden and unexpected interruption, turned stage left to reveal what appeared to be an Early Childhood Education Teacher standing nearby, her arms folded in a disapproving manner.

"Um, I'm sorry, who are you?" Roger (it doesn't really matter which one) asked politely.

"It doesn't matter who I am," the University of Canterbury graduate announced, "It matters who you are. This is getting ridiculous! I have been loyally following these blog novels since the beginning, and the lack of original names here is too much. How many Rogers have the authors invented now? You, and you, and the one next door, and the one in Eksettekaloptri-whatever, and the flight controller, and the pilot who covered for you, not to mention Erstwhile and the 347 elves named Roger in flashback!! Thats 354 Rogers in the space of only three and a half novels! I'm not putting up with this anymore, one of you will have to change your name."

There was an uncomfortable pause as Roger and Roger took in what the ex-Nelsonian had said.

Then Roger spoke.

"Bags not!!" he cried, pushing his thumb to his forehead.

"Oh, man!!" other Roger whined, "I liked my name."

"Well, you don't have to change it by much," the Brooke Fraser fan suggested, "Just enough to be different. How about Richard... or Gary?... Even Robert?"

"Oh, yeah, thats a great name," other Roger said, smiling, "I like it!"

"Wait, which name?" the person, who may have possibly claimed to have been inspired by Borat, asked, a sense of foreboding suddenly hitting her like a diplodocus on a segway.

"The one you suggested," other Roger replied, "Richard-or-Gary-even-Robert."

"But..." the earthquake survivor stammered.

"Yeah, I know," other Roger interrupted, "it is a bit long, isn't it? I know..."

"Oh no."

"...I can use an acronym!!"

"Please no..."

"Richard-or-Gary-even-Robert, thats an R, then an O..."

"This can't be happening..."

"Which spells R.O.G.E.R."

"What a great name!" Roger congratulated ROGER.

"I give up," the fan of the IT Crowd sighed, as she wandered off-stage.

"And now," Roger said to ROGER, "Lets get to that Shapeshifter!!!"

And FINALLY the adventure BEGUN!!!!

BackChapter **** FrontChapter


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am a loyal fan and getting sick of all this nonsense as you to piss about with names because neither of you want to start putting some diection on this story

5:38 PM  

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