Meet…Big Boss!!!
Nerd boy (now more like Nerd Man due to his increased size and brain capacity), Garbageman and Olaf stood at the door to Prof. Happyjoy’s bedroom proudly. (Their chests were puffed out, smiles were on their faces, and they all had bright pink socks on, in other words).
"Well!" said Garbageman, still depressed after his movie line was stolen and desperate to make amends, "Pink socks sure are snuggly!" Darn. He was never going to get the hang of this quote thing was he.
"Quick! Defenses up!" Nerd Man cried, conjuring up a powerful force field with his brain power. "What is it, Nerd Man?" Garbageman asked heroically.
Olaf poked the force field wall. It felt like jelly. Raspberry jelly. Mmm… jelly, just like Mum used to make back home in Sweden. He tried to take a bite.
"Well, Garbageman," Nerd Man was explaining, "seeing as I know the plot and all…"
Olaf fell on the ground, froth coming from his mouth and dirty washing coming from his ears. (Force fields can do that, you know.)
"Darn!" Cried Nerd Man, "I suspected that would happen! Anyway, as I was saying, seeing as I am so smart I already know the plot and what happens next is,"
Out of the smokescreen that had suddenly appeared came a short, chubby figure in a gray pinstripe suit. Patting a white cat, with a scar on his cheek, and bald headed, he was every inch a typical villain big boss.
"Franco Franco!" Nerd Man cried. "I knew it! No really, I did! And your evil cat, Fishcakes fishcakes!"
"Ah, not quite, there Nerd Man. Fishcakes fishcakes died several years ago and this little moggy is just a replacement I hired from ‘Cool Animals Surplus.’ "
"What are you doing here?" Garbageman asked.
"Well, I’m Happyjoy’s boss of course." France Franco replied, "Not that I mind you killing him, of course. He always was a little weird. But I have come to exact revenge for another murder you terrible trio have exacted. You killed Moof! Moof! I’m a Moose! HE WAS MY SON!"
Franco Franco dropped his replacement pet and pulled out a menacing looking gun. A thin dribble of water dribbled off the end.
"Oh, darn." Quoth Franco Franco. "A lousy water pistol! Looks like Embezzlement Man got us too."
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"Well!" said Garbageman, still depressed after his movie line was stolen and desperate to make amends, "Pink socks sure are snuggly!" Darn. He was never going to get the hang of this quote thing was he.
"Quick! Defenses up!" Nerd Man cried, conjuring up a powerful force field with his brain power. "What is it, Nerd Man?" Garbageman asked heroically.
Olaf poked the force field wall. It felt like jelly. Raspberry jelly. Mmm… jelly, just like Mum used to make back home in Sweden. He tried to take a bite.
"Well, Garbageman," Nerd Man was explaining, "seeing as I know the plot and all…"
Olaf fell on the ground, froth coming from his mouth and dirty washing coming from his ears. (Force fields can do that, you know.)
"Darn!" Cried Nerd Man, "I suspected that would happen! Anyway, as I was saying, seeing as I am so smart I already know the plot and what happens next is,"
Out of the smokescreen that had suddenly appeared came a short, chubby figure in a gray pinstripe suit. Patting a white cat, with a scar on his cheek, and bald headed, he was every inch a typical villain big boss.
"Franco Franco!" Nerd Man cried. "I knew it! No really, I did! And your evil cat, Fishcakes fishcakes!"
"Ah, not quite, there Nerd Man. Fishcakes fishcakes died several years ago and this little moggy is just a replacement I hired from ‘Cool Animals Surplus.’ "
"What are you doing here?" Garbageman asked.
"Well, I’m Happyjoy’s boss of course." France Franco replied, "Not that I mind you killing him, of course. He always was a little weird. But I have come to exact revenge for another murder you terrible trio have exacted. You killed Moof! Moof! I’m a Moose! HE WAS MY SON!"
Franco Franco dropped his replacement pet and pulled out a menacing looking gun. A thin dribble of water dribbled off the end.
"Oh, darn." Quoth Franco Franco. "A lousy water pistol! Looks like Embezzlement Man got us too."
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