The World-Famous (to some people) online-novels of Lark and Musings, for you to sit back and enjoy in the quietness of your own home. Warning, all novels may contain traces of nuts, and insanity in large doses. (Reading hint: For more enjoyment and less wanting-to-die-from-how-stupid-it-all-is, L&M Blognovels are suggested read in smaller doses, rather than in one sitting).

Friday, May 06, 2005


"AAAAAAGH!!!!!" screamed Dellua, "Why do you have that picture of Prince Charles taped to your forehead! Thats just cruel and inhumane!!!"
Pank, (also known in alien circles as 'the Pank-ster' for the amount of panks, I mean, pranks, that he played) burst out laughing, put the Charles photo down, and invited Dellua into his comfortable alien abode.

Pank was an interesting alien, having seventeen noses, three eyes, and a bellybutton in the middle of his head, not to mention razor sharp teeth for hair and a grenade for a right ear (he wore the pin as an earring, and made sure he never took it out!!).
When they had found themselves a comfortable seat (or in Dellua's case, clawed a comfortable seat) Pank turned to Dellua and began asking him some questions.
"*&^#%#$%, #%# mailto:^&*%@$ &( ^$^$@#%^(9)?"
"Uh, I think you forgot to turn your translator on," Dellua suggested, also wondering why Pank would try and send an email to ^&*% at $ when everyone knew they were at hotmail.com!!!
"Na, thats not it," Pank apologised, "I'm allergic to cats, I had to sneeze."
(To emphasis this point, he sneezed another few dollar signs and a hash key).
"So," he continued, "What brings you to Gore?"
"A cat-cage" Dellua replied.
"No, I mean, what are you doing in Gore?" Pank asked.
Dellua shrugged, "Sitting in your living room."
Pank sighed, "I mean, why are you here?"
"Well," Dellua began, "Some say that back at the dawn of creation, God spoke into being many different worlds, and that from those worlds..."
"Ok, what do you want?" Pank interrupted.
"World peace, and harsher punishments for parole violators, Stan," Dellua said happily, getting completely carried away in the moment.
Pank sighed, a wheezing (not wheesing) sound that reverberated around the entire room like a big wheezy sigh (don't blame me for this one, someone else suggested it!).
"Look, I really would like it if you told me what you came to my house to see me for. I'm a busy phlatriosks and I haven't got all day!"
"I need your help," Dellua admitted, "I've got to get back to Porirua's house before someone finds my super-secret alien stuff!"
"You left your super-secret alien stuff at Porirua's house unguarded?" Pank asked increduously, the colour draining from his face as he spoke, leaving it a pale turquoise.
"Uh, yes," Dellua replied, "Is that a bad thing?"

Pank didn't have to say a thing, the look on his face said it all (it was a look that phlatrioskses have perfected over eons of practising, where the facials features rearrange entirely to read 'That is a really bad thing, Dellua, having left your super-secret alien stuff at Porirua's house.' It doesn't come in handy that much, but every now and then it does, I mean, it just came in handy then, so that proves that it was worthwhile, doesn't it?)

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Blogger Musings said...

Genuis! Pure gold! How will I ever measure up!

4:37 AM  

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