The World-Famous (to some people) online-novels of Lark and Musings, for you to sit back and enjoy in the quietness of your own home. Warning, all novels may contain traces of nuts, and insanity in large doses. (Reading hint: For more enjoyment and less wanting-to-die-from-how-stupid-it-all-is, L&M Blognovels are suggested read in smaller doses, rather than in one sitting).

Monday, July 11, 2005

Kapitel Sieben - Ich bin einer Dummkopf

Soon, though, the dots were gone, and I was recovering.
"Hah hah!" I laughed, "No measley dots are gonna stop me! You can't knock me out without me knowing about it. I w-"
I stopped, as I realised I was no longer in the street, or possibly even in the city.
Obviously there had been a momentary lapse of consciousness, but I could be forgiven that in the circumstances, surely.

I took in my surroundings.
I appeared to be in a Warehouse somewhere, but with decidedly less red-shirted shop assistants than usual, and considerably more menacing-and-hulking goon squad types. There was also less stuff to buy, and more big empty-looking crates than most Warehouses around the country.
Ciola was there, looking very fetching in her hands-tied-behind-her-back-whilst-sitting-on-a-chair/blue-satin-dress combo. One of the goon-types seemed to be talking with her about something.
I decided to go over and introduce myself, but when I tried to stand, something stopped me.
It felt a lot like ropes around my body, tying me to my chair, but it was probably just my natural quiet demeanour, and not wanting to rudely interrupt two people obviously involved in a deep and meaningful conversation.
On closer examination, I realised that it was ropes after all.
'How nice', I thought to myself, 'These menacing-and-hulking goon squad types obviously tied me to this chair so I wouldn't fall out while I was unconscious and hurt myself even more.'
Well, they would probably want to know I was conscious then.
"Er, excuse me," I called to the closest hulk.
The goon turned to me, staring at me like a vacant lot.
"Hi," I said in a pleasant tone of voice, "Thanks for tying me up so I wouldn't hurt myself, but I'm conscious now, so could you possibly untie me?"
For some reason the goon figure started laughing, and made very little movement in the direction of untying me.

Hmmm, something strange was going on.
But what?

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