The World-Famous (to some people) online-novels of Lark and Musings, for you to sit back and enjoy in the quietness of your own home. Warning, all novels may contain traces of nuts, and insanity in large doses. (Reading hint: For more enjoyment and less wanting-to-die-from-how-stupid-it-all-is, L&M Blognovels are suggested read in smaller doses, rather than in one sitting).

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Gone With the Wind

Harry turned to face Taylor, his evil Nerdish eyes staring beadily and close-sightedly at is potential nemesis.
Taylor brandished his tools of destruction terrifyingly, like a terrifying Tool-man Taylor, and stood his ground.
Harry's fingers positioned themselves near his side, in a typical high-noon showdown pose.
Taylor's fingers gripped their water balloons tighter (one popped at this point, sending a shower of tapwater over everyone).
A lone tumbleweed blew mysteriously by.
Somewhere, in the distance, a Charger revved.
A raven sitting on a nearby rail cawwed forebodingly.
Quothed the raven: "Nevermore."

Suddenly, like lightning on steriods, Harry's fingers flew for their pocket, pulling out a super-duper-scientific calculator, and typing in a terrifying EQUATION OF DOOM!!

At the same moment, Taylor released his barrage of water balloons, and began fiddling with the bazooka, trying to figure out where the safety was.
Like a number of pimples, the balloons exploded everywhere, striking Taylor, the raven, and his parents (Taylors parents, not the raven's parents, who were both on holiday in the Bahamas with a walrus, and donkey, and the missing fifth member of Abba), and most importantly, drenching Harry's calculator.

"Noooooo!" Harry cried as his calculator short circuited like Johnny Five (coming alive and having two movies made about its adventures with Steve Guttenberg), preventing his EQUATION OF DOOM!! from being finished.

Well, after that it was a simple matter of minutes. Harry surrendered, Taylor released his parents, the police arrested Harry, the raven flew off to write an award-winning novel revealing his deep psychological problems arising from being struck by a water balloon, and everyone went home happy.
Taylor had saved the day!!!!

Unfortunately, Sally and Nicholas, busy plotting their rescue of her parents, were unaware of this development.

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