The World-Famous (to some people) online-novels of Lark and Musings, for you to sit back and enjoy in the quietness of your own home. Warning, all novels may contain traces of nuts, and insanity in large doses. (Reading hint: For more enjoyment and less wanting-to-die-from-how-stupid-it-all-is, L&M Blognovels are suggested read in smaller doses, rather than in one sitting).

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

A (pronounced as the letter, as in: A? What kind of plot twist was that??)

When I awakinate (which is the action-packed version of waking up), I am puzzled for a moment as to where I am. Am I in Duston, Ohio? Am I in Las Vegas, Nevada? Am I possibly in the Utah Badlands (although this is more unlikely as I am not yet finished my flashback)? And if I am in Las Vegas, how has that possibly got anything to do with the storyline?
How will I get to Reduced-Price-Mart?
How will I learn who is trying to kill me, and why?
How will I seek revenge against my traitorous ex-best friend Chester, and claim the first copy of Love in Kirkutsk as my rightful property?
I sigh loudly: "Hhuwhagh", and take in my surroundings.

I appear to be in a closet.

Its dark in here, except for a small sliver of light shining through the slightly ajar door, like a small sliver of wood that someone has just removed from their finger and put in a jar for safe keeping.

Suddenly, with great clarity, I realise what has just happened. I'm not in Las Vegas at all! No, I simply have hidden in my closet, run low on oxygen, hallucinated that I somehow teleported to Las Vegas (which in my humble opinion would be outside the realms of possibility in a tense mystery/thriller type plot like this), and then passed out, striking my head against the door, which has allowed it to open slightly, letting in enough oxygen that I have eventually come around again.

Which still leaves me with having to escape my house.

'Right', I say to myself (to which I counter 'Aah, but are you sure its not left?'), 'Time to put this plan into action.'

Leaping out into the hallway, I perform a series of expertly executed forward rolls down into the lounge, duck craftily sideways into the space between two sets of shelves, leap through the open window as quickly as a wildcat, and, keeping out of sight of the snipers by concealing myself behind some handy bushes, army-crawl to the fence, which I scale in seconds, and am efficiently gone from sight.

... what? You don't believe me?...

... but I really did...


... okay fine! If you must know, as I go to leap into the hallway I become entangled in a large number of clothing articles from the closet, which cause me to tumble down the hallway, into the lounge, and collide with a set of shelves. This causes a whole pack of flour to break on my head, which I react to by stumbling backwards across the room, coughing, and accidently smashing through the window, sending shards of glass, flour, and clothes flying in all directions as I fall into the bushes below. The watching snipers are distracted by the clothing figures apparently leaping in all directions, and the cloud of flour conceals me as I stumble to the fence, trip over the garbage cans, and manage to hit the fence with enough force to break through it into the neighbors property, hidden beneath a pile of old clothes, flour, and kitchen scraps. I stay here until the cloud of flour settles, and luckily the snipers mistake me for rubbish, and continue to believe I am in my house. From there I lie in a dazed state until it gets darker, and then simply get up and wander away in the direction of Reduced-Price-Mart.

Happy now?

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