The World-Famous (to some people) online-novels of Lark and Musings, for you to sit back and enjoy in the quietness of your own home. Warning, all novels may contain traces of nuts, and insanity in large doses. (Reading hint: For more enjoyment and less wanting-to-die-from-how-stupid-it-all-is, L&M Blognovels are suggested read in smaller doses, rather than in one sitting).

Monday, March 27, 2006

Click minus k plus hé

Suddenly, my spidey-senses kick in. Something is wrong!
(Well, either that, or another fly has landed on my web)
"Wait, Melvin, don't touch that ACME product..." I call, just as Melvin picks the ACME product up, and brandishes it triumphantly, cheering "hurá!"
There is an ominous rumbling, similar to that heard after eating 12 buckets of slightly undercooked chicken with raw oyster stuffing.
Without warning (except for the afore-mentioned ominous rumblings) a huge stereotypical cliché Indiana-Jones-like rolling boulder comes rolling towards us, rollingly-ee.
"Scread!!!" screams Melvin, as he turns to run, tripping over the golden lamp, and falling to the ground with a very gaelic-sounding 'Thud.'

I quickly glance left and right, trying to figure out what to do. There are no shiny green exit signs! Oh no! What can I do????

I look down at Melvin's feet, and notice that the lamp is still tangled in his shoelaces.
"Quick Melvin! The lamp!" I yell, "Rub the lamp!"
Melvin rubs the lamp...

...there is a puff of smoke....

...and out of the lamp comes...

...a small flame, which casts a flickering light around the small cavern. How unexpected. It must be one of those new-fangled touch-lamps.
"Dearnáil" mutters Melvin.
Momentarily distracted, I suddenly remember the boulder, and turn back to face it.
It is now only 3 cms away from me.
"Oh cru..."

I pick myself up from the cavern floor, suprisingly uninjured for having been struck by a 17 ton rock, and realise I have been unconscious for several hours at least, and only survived by falling backwards into a handy me-shaped imprint on the ground.
For some reason I don't remember seeing it before.
Melvin lies nearby in a similar imprint, with a flat lamp and dented chalice at his side.
Slowly, Melvin sits up, and makes an observation, which may mean: "Ow, that rock hurt," or "Hey, look, a me-shaped imprint, I don't remember that before" or even "Well, how do we get out of here? There doesn't seem to be an exit, and that rock has vanished, how strange."
On second thought, it might also mean: "Oh no, those man-eating anteaters (maneaters for short) have found us and are now closing in on us from all sides!"
Any one of those observations would have been extremely appropriate now.

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