The World-Famous (to some people) online-novels of Lark and Musings, for you to sit back and enjoy in the quietness of your own home. Warning, all novels may contain traces of nuts, and insanity in large doses. (Reading hint: For more enjoyment and less wanting-to-die-from-how-stupid-it-all-is, L&M Blognovels are suggested read in smaller doses, rather than in one sitting).

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Catching Up

Soooooo, As I raced in my solar-powered hovercraft across the Utah Bad-lands, with Trixie Hobbetts sitting beside me, clutching the chalice of power possessively, and Melvin Ertnik sitting the other side, one hand holding his ragged toupee atop his balding head, screaming frightenedly in ancient Gaelic (the only language he could speak at present), while we tried to avoid lazer-fire from the approaching war-choppers, and dodged the buffaloes stampeding the opposite way... oh, wait, that last bit hasn't happened yet... darn, so close!

Okay, so, Trixie, Melvin and I thank Garry for letting us use the Circle of Death, and head back to the solar-powered hovercraft. I get to drive, mostly because I am the obvious choice - being so manly, strong, a natural leader, and the best driver.

...partially because Trixie is still holding the chalice with both hands, and told me that if I didn't drive she would hit me harder than a black coffee.

We back the hovercraft out of the toad-garage-forest, indicate, look both ways, and then drive out into the badlands.

"Hahaha!" I gloat, "Now we will get to my kingdom in no time, and those Roger elves will not stand a chance! Nothing can stop me now!"

Almost immediately we encounter a herd of buffalo blocking the road (road being a loose term, in this instance descirbing a large flat area of badland that we have to cross) and have to stop.

"Dang," I mutter ironically.
"Look, I don't have time for this," Trixie growls again, "Lets get a moove on!"
Unfortunately, by saying 'moove' with an extra 'o' Trixie is speaking a variation of buffalo, and they respond by starting a stampede in our general direction.
I begin to drive again, staying pretty much stationary but swerving a lot to avoid buffalo.
"It's ok," I reassure mysel... I mean... I reassure Melvin, "We'll be alright as long as nothing else happens."
At that moment I see the approaching war-choppers, filled to the brim with Roger elves.

I really need to stop opening my big mouth!

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