The World-Famous (to some people) online-novels of Lark and Musings, for you to sit back and enjoy in the quietness of your own home. Warning, all novels may contain traces of nuts, and insanity in large doses. (Reading hint: For more enjoyment and less wanting-to-die-from-how-stupid-it-all-is, L&M Blognovels are suggested read in smaller doses, rather than in one sitting).

Sunday, December 17, 2006

The TIP of the ICEberg

For some reason, although we are nowhere near the border of the Magical Kingdom, a welcome sign has been set up near the magical rubbish tip where now we stand.
It reads:

WELCOME TO WILSONIA(crossed out, with ROGERONERIA scribbled over it in red crayon)
Its the first time I have heard a sign reading, and makes me realise the the kingdom really is magical. The way it pronounced the crossed out bit and the red crayon texture is impressive.
"So," says Trixie, ever the enthusiastic one, "Where to now, O mighty ruler."
For some reason Trixie sounds a bit sarcastic, but she must have just left her sarcasm on from the previous time she used it.
Good question though. Now that the flashback is over, I have no limitations on where I can go or what happens... its far too open-ended for my liking. At least Mills and Boone always finish their novels with a predictable and cliched ending. Thats what I like. Predictable and cliched.
And thats why these blog-novels have always scared me.
Melvin seems to be trying to get my attention. Trixie and I turn to face him, as he waves his arms and tries to explain.
"I think he's trying to say something."
"What is it, boy?"
Melvin, still unable to communicate in English, decides to resort to charades.
He screams, points up the hill, and runs in the opposite direction.
Which of course is the universally recognised charade signing for "I think one of those kamikaze fridges must've been 'magicked' through with us, cos its standing on that hill and is preparing to attack."
"Melvin, thats not how you play," I scold in the direction of the quickly departing figure, "You should have signalled that there were 25 words first. And I'm not sure that you can catergorise that as book, movie, or objec..."
At that moment the kamikaze fridge attacks, using its violent 冷却装置 攻撃 .
" あなたの祖先の天恵 " it yells, quite impressively for a fridge, if not grammatically correct.


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