The World-Famous (to some people) online-novels of Lark and Musings, for you to sit back and enjoy in the quietness of your own home. Warning, all novels may contain traces of nuts, and insanity in large doses. (Reading hint: For more enjoyment and less wanting-to-die-from-how-stupid-it-all-is, L&M Blognovels are suggested read in smaller doses, rather than in one sitting).

Monday, January 08, 2007

.... A plot hole!

"Regiments?!?!" I rebuke myself. "I don't remember any regiments coming with us to capture Magical Capital City! I thought we only took a few big headed warriors! How are Trixie and Melvin supposed to take regiments to the gates if there aren't any regiments to take!"
"Oh..." I realise, unable to come up with a comeback to my oh so cutting remark.
Melvin comes up to me.
"Pete, sorry to interupt you.... with yourself... but shouldn't someone go and find your mother? Surely she'll know of a way to secure the city from the approaching war choppers!"
"Yes! What a good idea!" I exclaim.
"But wait, Pete, what about the Roger elf? I mean, won't he be under orders to guard Her Royal Majesty Queen Trevor with his very life?" I counter.
Melvin just looks on confusedly at this exchange between me, myself and I.
"But Pete, you're a magical prince! I mean, I'm a magical prince! Surely you, I mean I, can fight a single elf with your, I mean my magical prowess!" I realise.
"Yes! Precious! We wantssss it!" I answer.
Melvin sighs and walks away, to help Trixie organise the "regiments" defend the city walls. By regiments, I mean the big-headed warriors that aren't waltzing or looting the city. Yes, both of them.
I head downtown.

* * * *

Following the sound of my chubby-bubby past is fairly simple, but is also aided by the fact that the main road leads right to the castle. From there it was just a simple matter of going down the main hall, up two staircases and down three, up a ladder, through the hidden door behind the tapestry and down the cave, until I get to the dungeon!
Gee, I guess I remembered more from my chubby-bubby past than I realised!
Down in the dungeon, all is dark and scary.
I flick the lightswitch.
Now all is bright and cheery!
(Except for the menacing looking elf standing in the far corner, pointing a gnarled finger at a tallish blond woman with striking features and wearing regal looking clothing.)
"Mumsy!" I exclaim.
"If youse come any closer, the broad gets it!" The elf menaces in a New York mafia accent.
I stay where I am.
Now what?

pc :: nc


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